How do I know when my baby is ready for Finger Foods?

Your baby may be ready for Finger Foods when…

  • They reach for food (most commonly a parent’s dish or serving utensil).
  • They are hungry soon after meals. (Purees are less calorie-dense and filling, so they may not be getting enough to eat!)
  • They are eating their purees quickly and continue wanting more.
  • They are able (or almost able) to hold small pieces of food between their fingers.

If your baby is exhibiting a few or all of these signs, consider introducing Finger Foods! But if they aren’t ready, don’t fret. They’re still getting all of the nutrition they need from breast milk or formula up until age one when they transition to cow’s milk. 

Every child develops at a different pace—just continue paying attention to your baby’s habits, and ease into finger foods when they’re ready.